OwlEye Smart Control and Monitoring System,SOLUTIONS,3TECH
OwlEye Smart Control and Monitoring System,SOLUTIONS,3TECH

OwlEye Smart Control and Monitoring System


OwlEye designed for Power and Environment, Security in the sites can drive down the Operating Expense and cost, improve the site energy efficiency and lower the possibility of power failure by means of leveraging and analyzing the data captured. The overall solution allows users to monitor from overall network level, to site level and then to equipment component level so that users know well from top to bottom the site operation status. Itprovides better user interface and user experience, and functions like energy proportion analysis, reporting, site energy efficiency monitoring and analysis, equipment real-time monitoring, equipment centralized management, alarms and trouble ticket to name a few, so as to enable personnel to better manage the sites.


Key Features

  • Proactive Maintenance: with functions to predict the Battery backup time, Lithium-ion Battery remaining cycles, Generator remaining runtime, Generator next refuel date and so forth, users can make the decision and arrange to go to the site in advance before site down and can extend the asset lifetime;

  • Site Energy Efficiency Monitoring and Analysis: offer to monitor the site energy efficiency of a single site as well as its energy proportion analysis, so as to allow users to understand the energy usage condition;

  • Compatible with devices from multiple manufacturers: platform able to work with devices from various manufacturers without development, and facilitate the device integration with OwlEye;

  • Reporting: support hourly, daily, weekly and monthly reports, as well as customized reports; able to drill down from regions to sites to better understand the site condition and energy proportion;

  • Data Visualization: to display with graphics such as bar chart, line chart and pie chart that are easy to understand;

  • Equipment Delicacy Management: centralize and manage the same type of assets in the overall network sites which will be ease of management;

  • Remote Control and Modifications: able to remotely control the equipment and modify the configuration so as to reduce the frequent site visit and save Operating Expense and improve the Operation and Maintenance efficiency;

  • Fuel Management: to manage fuel by fuel level tracking, abnormal fuel decline, refueling reminder, fuel efficiency monitoring;

  • Security Management: to ensure site and platform security by CCTV monitoring, Door Sensor Alarm, E-lock monitoring, online user management, password policy, login time manage.

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