Dec.3Tech delivered an ISO40HC style DataCage to Maldives recently. In order to protect the environment and minimize the potential disturbance and damage to the world heritage site, 3Tech DataCage was selected because it is fully equipped and tested in factory before delivery to site. Customer only need to connect the server and the data centre is ready to go.
3Tech DataCage is designed to meet the ANSI/TIA-942 Rated-3 (similar to Uptime Institute Tier III) standard in the energy infrastructure with full redundancy. The DataCage completed with a dual supply mains power connection backed up by dual LionRock diesel generators each rated 85kVA with two independent ATS. There are dual UPS for AC power and LionRock Energy cabinet for 48VDC system as well as air conditioning system. All are dual redundant to meet the tier III infrastructure standard. Other plant room accessories including server cabinets, fire suppression system and access control security system. The DataCage also equipped with OwlEye system for remote access and easy monitoring for a completely unmanned on site operation.
In order to minimise the impact to the environment, low emission engines are used with fully bunded fuel tank. The noise level with the generator in operation is below 65dBA@1m or 45dBA@40m which is a five star resort outdoor noise level requirement.